Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Alkaline earth metals

They occur in nature as compounds
From rocks are mainly obtained roasted manner
Very reactive
White metals
On air they lose metallic sheen

In jewelery is used as precious and semiprecious stones
Alloys are used in the manufacture of electrical contacts and electrodes for arc welding
Alloys with low density components are used for constructing of aircraft and spacecraft

Is produced due to thermal method
It occurs in dolomite and seawater
On air it burns bright white flame
It is used in the manufacture of alloys to aircraft design
Ions are bonded in chlorophyll due to Magnesium

The most prized grape variety of limestone is marble - is used for cladding buildings, statues
It Burns red flame
Chemical transitions between calcium carbonate and calcium bicarbonate =  calcium hydrogen carbonate are the reason of formation karst phenomena
Calcium carbonate is used in the construction industry, for the manufacture of chalk, paints and tooth powders
Gypsum = calcium sulfate hemihydrate
Biogenic element - bones, teeth, muscles, blood, body tissue, clams, protecting the body of gastropods and bivalves

Used in pyrotechnic products

Toxic metal
Barium peroxide is used for bleaching silks and sold in disinfectants
Barium carbonate is used to produce glass and poisonous baits to rodents

In the pure state is white and heavy
1898 - discovered by Marie Curie Sklodowska

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